01.06.11 [Nate] Rain Will Hold A Concert At Wukesong Arena In Beijing

South Korean singer Rain will hold a concert at the Wukesong Arena in Beijing on March 26.

Since the pop star is also famous for his dancing, this concert is likely to be full of dazzling costumes and amazing dance moves.

Rain became famous after releasing his debut album in 2002, when he was only 20 years old. So far he has released 7 albums, 19 singles and held numerous concert tours around the world.

He is also known by Chinese audiences for his role in the romantic TV drama “Full House”.

source: http://news.nate.com/view/20110106n21949
from: raincloudhk

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by SixtoFive1982. SixtoFive1982 said: 01.06.11 [Nate] Rain Will Hold A Concert At Wukesong Arena In Beijing: South Korean singer Rain will hol… http://bit.ly/gRwU0I @29rain […]

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