12.31.08 Rain rehearsing pics @ MBC Festival [Rain vs. JYP]


credit:ljtl @rain-cloud // jinijung@soompi

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Rain was carefully checking the stage.
His rehearsal which had been going on from 5am.

Rain : This trampoline doesn’t seem to give much.

After a while, when the body of the mike was bumped into the trampoline. there was a loud noise.
Rain ascending the stairs.
Even if his dancers were expert, it was also difficult for them to work.
Hammering noise.
Only dancers were practicing once again.(to Rain’s voice)

Rain : YoungDeok!(one of dancers), when you overwork, you may forget the counting.

A last, Rain with dancers danced to the music, practiced, and practiced again.
Even if dancing was hard to keep, they rehearsed again.
They monitored after recording with camcorder.
This time was around 7:20am.
We(writer) slept in a neighborhood sauna room for 3 hours.

Finally, the day at 8pm.
Their rehearsal was begun again, and once again.
At last the real broadcasting.
In spite of this difficulty, I’d like to pay a compliment to Rain &his dancers as I watch your endeavor.


Brief translation by rain bird@rain-eu

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