01.13.09 [J.Tune] Food Prepared by The Clouds For Rain

*Mostly summarizing because original post is long.

– The food preparations were done by the department/staff, but the gifts and foods were delivered under the name of The Cloud and its members, so a lot of effort was put into this but they apologized for any ‘untidy areas’.
– They said that from now on if there are any additional ideas or proposals for good gifts for Rain, these suggestions are greatly welcomed.
– As announced previously, the Cloud (FanClub) prepared food for the 3 consecutive days of music performances. (Dec 29th – 31st)
– Every single time, they brought food enough to feed 40 people.

The following is the fruit snack box that was delivered for all 3 days:



Dec 29th
– Food today was the result of research done by some Rain fans. Containing abalone, octopus, eel and so on, the food was neatly and attractively presented. They were placed at the manager’s food table booth, arranged in a row (like a buffet line) and everyone looked like they enjoyed it tremendously.


They also prepared some top-rate beef jerky. This was sent in on the 29th in case the guys were too bored before performing, and apparently they devoured it immediately!



Dec 30th
– Food today was catered by Outback Steakhouse.

Mushroom & potato soup




KRAZE Chilli fries


KRAZE burgers


KRAZE crabmeat sandwich


Mineral water





Dec 31st
– Food and dessert were originally supposed to be delivered by 6 pm, but the traveling plans changed and the crew was going to eat around 4 pm instead. The Clouds were afraid that the guys would be hungry again during the evening performances, so they delivered light refreshments/desserts as well at 7 pm.
– The food sent consisted of sushi rolls with eel, sashimi, vegetables, meat and fruits.


– As for desserts, apparently the guys like pastry items, so The Clouds delivered steamed buns, fried New Year cake and some other fried stuff. Other miscellaneous drinks and desserts were also delivered.
– Ice cream was purchased at a nearby departmental store and was delivered in a special ice chest.


– For convenience of usage and disposal, Tupperwares were used.


– The ice cream was savored the longest. It was said that the guys’ body conditions that day were restored after eating this. ^_^



Source: jtune_rain_cafe
Credit: rainonme@SexyBi & sixtofive1982
Eng Translation & Summary: dsl99a@Rain-USA & SexyBi & sixtofive1982

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9 thoughts on “01.13.09 [J.Tune] Food Prepared by The Clouds For Rain

  1. Ai 01/15/2009 at 8:51 am Reply

    WOW. that’s amazing. the ice cream looks yummy too!

  2. triplegreen08 01/15/2009 at 10:52 am Reply

    OMG i was droolin when i saw this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    FOOD I LOVE THEM ❤ XD *even tho they’re not mine ^^*

    the fans are awesome ❤

  3. fizzler 01/15/2009 at 12:04 pm Reply

    That only proved that the clouds care a whole lot about their idol and his group. Since they know that Rain loves to eat, and if you want him to get mad during rehearsals and such, don’t let him eat. The clouds do know how to anticipate the needs of Rain and his group and they provided them with provisions good enough from practice until the duration of the show for 3 consecutive days. I applaud the efforts and show of support from the clouds, not only in Korea but all over the world.

  4. Gab 01/15/2009 at 1:18 pm Reply

    so hungry 😦

  5. gettinghealthy 01/15/2009 at 2:14 pm Reply

    wow.. rain has some really devoted fans. or is this the norm for all celebrities? the food looks really good.

  6. Ashes 01/15/2009 at 4:33 pm Reply

    OMG!!! The food look really delicious! Rain is so lucky to have devoted cloud fans. 😉

  7. Tami 01/15/2009 at 5:49 pm Reply

    WOW! looks very taste!

  8. sammibi 01/15/2009 at 11:16 pm Reply

    so yummy!!!!
    thank clouds so much!!!!
    I think rain liked it so much^-^

  9. pammiej 01/16/2009 at 2:48 pm Reply

    Oh man that food looks good….I want ice cream now!!!

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